BLOCKS NYC, a New Coloring Book Featuring Famous Greenwich Village Album Cover Shots From 60s and 70s

BLOCKS NYC is a cool new coloring book for adults featuring famous album covers taken in Greenwich Village in the 1960s and 1970s.

The BLOCKS NYC Colouring Book includes artist illustrated pull out coloring pages of album covers that played a critical roll in the 60’s folk and rock scene in Greenwich Village, iconic buildings of musician’s haunts and studios, as well as some personal sketch and journal pages. Each page has an illustration on the front and a story about the neighborhood on the back.

Now's your chance to color in famous album covers by Bob Dylan, Led Zeppelin, The Ramones and more, each as you see fit.

The book is currently seeking funding through a Kickstarter campaign and has a little over $10k to raise over the next three weeks.

h/t 6sqft

Matt Coneybeare

Matt Coneybeare

Editor in Chief

Matt enjoys exploring the City's with his partner and son. He is an avid marathon runner, and spends most of his time eating, running, and working on cool stuff.

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