Check Out The Brand New, Retro-Style Storefront Sign at Economy Candy to Celebrate 80th Anniversary

Economy Candy Installs Retro-Style Signage to Celebrate 80th Anniversary
Economy Candy Installs Retro-Style Signage to Celebrate 80th Anniversary
Photo: The Lo-Down

Opened by Morris Cohen back in 1937, beloved Lower East Side candy store Economy Candy is about to celebrate its 80th anniversary in the neighborhood. To celebrate, the family-owned shop recently upgraded their storefront sign with a massive retro-styled logo with the same appearance as the original version.

As a birthday present to ourselves, we have given our storefront a facelift to restore some old school charm. The new design, which was installed yesterday, was inspired by the 1960s design of our store when it was in its original location just a few doors down from our current home at 108 Rivington St.

For more info, check out the full article on The Lo-Down.

Most recent storefront sign version before 80th anniversary update
Most recent storefront sign version before 80th anniversary update
Photo: The Lo-Down
Original economy candy sign
Original economy candy sign
Photo: The Lo-Down
Matt Coneybeare

Matt Coneybeare

Editor in Chief

Matt enjoys exploring the City's with his partner and son. He is an avid marathon runner, and spends most of his time eating, running, and working on cool stuff.

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