City Health Commissioner Says "NO FUN" Until Heat Wave Passes

Mayor Bill de Blasio, left, with Health Commissioner Dr. Mary Bassett.
Mayor Bill de Blasio, left, with Health Commissioner Dr. Mary Bassett.

Who would've thought fun would be advised against during the summer? Health Commissioner Dr. Mary Bassett has stated that "city residents should stay in air-conditioned spaces as much as possible, and keep hydrated with pure, healthful water" -- that means no ice cold beers or piña coladas, no fun in the sun. What are we to do?

  1. Stay hydrated! Alcohol and caffeine are both dehydrating diuretics.
  2. Take lukewarm showers, not cold ones. A cold shower can shock an overheated body.
  3. Watch out for the sun! Use a sunscreen with SPF between 30 and 50, even on cloudy days. Wear clothes that protect from sun exposure.
  4. Avoid arduous activity -- go for a run during the early evenings when it's cooler!
Alexandra Hudson

Alexandra Hudson

Contributing Writer

Alexandra Hudson is 21 years old and is working towards a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature with a minor in Journalism. When she is not writing an essay or reading Harry Potter she enjoys running long distances and quoting movies.

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