"Date While You Wait" Introduces Speed Dating to the Subway

For those who have dreamt of spending a first date underground surrounded by commuters, your opportunity has arrived.

Staten Island resident Thomas Knox is a man on a mission to decrease the negativity and boredom brought on by delayed subway trains, thus starting an act of kindness known as Date While You Wait.

Recently Knox has been visiting various train platforms bringing along a table and two chairs, a coke bottle vase with a flower, and a game of Connect 4. He allows any curious commuter to take a seat and converse with him, in hopes of spreading a little love and positivity.

I wanted to do something fun in the subway due to all the negative things that happen," says Knox. "I wanted to make people smile and enjoy the commute. I feel each date has been successful in its own unique way. The general reaction has been positive and hopeful.

In this short video from Brooklyn filmmaker Sabrina Thompson, we get to take a peek at Knox in action.

Check out his Facebook and Twitter pages to find out if you’ll run into this Subway Casanova anytime soon.

via Time Out

Brindsi Liberty

Brindsi Liberty

Contributing Writer

Brindsi is a student of Professional Writing and Media Management, and an avid adventurer. When she is not out menacing the world and experiencing new places and cultures, she can be found attached to her computer watching too many YouTube videos

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