A fews ago we showed you the behind-the-scenes video for this photoshoot, with the promise of the results more to come in the future. Well, the future is now and the resulting photographs are the most stunning aerial photographs the City has even seen. First, they are shot at night and the City lights are shown in perfect contrast with the dark night. Next, each image is so huge and full of detail that you can zoom in extra far into the shot and get lost in the minutia.
Photographer Vincent LaForet admitted to Storehouse that this was the scariest photoshoot of his career, hanging out of the open door of a helicopter thousands of feet in the air.
...the real scary part was that there's just simply nothing quite like leaning out of that chopper over the sea of darkness and light, held in only by a full body harness...There is no chance that you will fall - the harness is tried and true. But you DO think about the fall.
Amazing photographs Vincent, thanks for capturing our City in such a perfect way.
via Storehouse
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