Gotham Ruins is an interesting photo project from a New York City based urban explorer who goes only by the moniker "2e." The photo project's mission is to document the historic before it is obsolete.
The neglected and decayed, the historic since lost to encroaching nature or cultural short-sidedness, the unseen or the impossible to see—these are the angles of New York City that the work of 2E captures. The photographs speak to the extremes of urban life, from the underground grit of subway tunnels to the perilous views atop city bridges, from the drug dens of squatters to iconic architectural facades soon to be demolished in the name of gentrification. The photographs of Gotham Ruins are not the work of a casual documentarian. On the contrary, such images coalesce into a voice of urgent contingency.
The Gotham Ruins website hasn't been updated in while, and 2e's Flickr and Instagram haven't been posted to since 2014, but we hope s/he continues this amazing project to document the City's beautiful neglect and decay.
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