Incredible Photo of a Gondolier on Central Park Lake and the Classic Beresford Building

Central Park Gondolier | i didn't trust my eyes :-)
Venice is where you are
Central Park Gondolier | i didn't trust my eyes :-) Venice is where you are
Photo: Blende1.8

Photographer Carsten Heyer snapped this incredible photograph back in 2006 of a gondolier boating on the Central Park Lake, all underneath a towering Beresford building on 81st and Central Park West.

I didn't trust my eyes :-) Venice is where you are

For more of Heyer's work, check out his flickr page.

Matt Coneybeare

Matt Coneybeare

Editor in Chief

Matt enjoys exploring the City's with his partner and son. He is an avid marathon runner, and spends most of his time eating, running, and working on cool stuff.

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