Charles Bibilos is taking advantage of the City’s melting pot of cuisines and recording his foodie findings and experiences on his blog - United Nations of Food. His mission is to eat authentic dishes from 160 countries without leaving the City, the three rules being:
- The country must have a population over 1,000,000 2. A country native must be involved in the food preparation 3. The meal should be around $10.
So far Bibilos has eaten from 129 countries and is asking for assistance with locating the last 31.
When I moved to New York City, I decided to try to eat food from every country in the world without leaving the city. Why? Because I think NYC is probably the only place in the world where you could do something like this.
If you’re interested in following in Bibilos’ footsteps, he has reviewed every dish he has tried thus far and has compiled a favorites list.
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