New York Times' Lively Morgue Posts Central Park's Ice Skating Rink after the First Snow of 1977

Central Park Ice Skating Rink, Nov 28th 1977
Central Park Ice Skating Rink, Nov 28th 1977
Central Park Ice Skating Rink, Nov 28th 1977
Central Park Ice Skating Rink, Nov 28th 1977

The Lively Morgue is a daily photo blog from the New York Times in which an original photo from the newspaper's archives is reposted along with tidbits of information gleaned from the historical article it accompanied. Along with a rescan of the original photograph, the backs of each photo are also scanned, giving a behind-the-scenes look at the editorial process of one of the world's best newspapers.

Today's post features the Central Park Ice Skating rink shortly after the first snow of 1977.

"Nov. 28, 1977: The first snow of the year fell on Thanksgiving weekend, but cold temperatures did not prohibit shoppers or skaters from taking to the city. “New York is fabulous and depressing, all at the same time,” assessed a visitor from San Francisco who rode the Staten Island Ferry to and fro. “I saw people who looked happy, especially those that were out with their children; but so many people’s faces here look as if they’re working too hard.””

Matt Coneybeare

Matt Coneybeare

Editor in Chief

Matt enjoys exploring the City's with his partner and son. He is an avid marathon runner, and spends most of his time eating, running, and working on cool stuff.

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