Only in Brooklyn, There Exists a $1000 Preschool for Adults

Preschool Mastermind is a preschool experience located in Brooklyn (of course) designed by adults, for adults. It includes all the classic preschool activities such as snack time, nap time and arts & crafts. Course co-creator Michelle Joni describes Preschool Mastermind as

a brand new course for grownups to re-learn the basics, and experience the ::magic:: of life as it was originally intended. Guess what: You still CAN be anything you want when you grow up! And this class will give you the hands-on wisdom, intuition and playfulness you need to get there. In this one-month adventure, we’ll explore preschool concepts, like sharing and friendship, in order to apply and inject play, wonder, self-belief, and community into our grown-up lives.

Preschool Mastermind is operated out of Joni's apartment in South Slope. If you are interested in attending the course, you will need to send in a handwritten application. The cost of month-long preschool runs on a sliding scale from $333 to $999, depending on what you are able and willing to pay.

This video from Barcroft TV takes a peek inside the preschool to see what it's all about.

Matt Coneybeare

Matt Coneybeare

Editor in Chief

Matt enjoys exploring the City's with his partner and son. He is an avid marathon runner, and spends most of his time eating, running, and working on cool stuff.

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