The massive march we have been talking a lot about this week is on for today. Millions March NYC is now expecting more than 100,000 participants in the peaceful protest. There are 50,000 confirmed attendees on the Facebook Event Page alone.
So what does the March hope to accomplish? A press release by it's organizers tells us:
"We want people to shut down their cities for justice. We are continuing where the freedom fighters of the Civil Rights Movement left off. We are a new generation of young multi-racial activists willing to take up the torch and we’re not going to stand for this anymore.”
The release goes on to mention 4 specific and immediate demands.
- The immediate firing of Daniel Pantaleo.
- The creation of an independent prosecutor's office to handle cases of police misconduct and use of excessive force.
- Release of the names of officers involved in fatal shootings within 48 hours of the incident.
- Statewide policy to not hire police who have been fired with cause or deemed unfit for duty in one jurisdiction by any other department in the state.
The march will be making a long route, heading north from Washington Square Park on 5th Ave to 14th St, turning West until 6th Ave, then Heading uptown to Herald Square. From there, the march will head South down Broadway until Civic Center and that NYPD Headquarters.
The march starts today at 2PM in Washington Square Park. If you are attending be careful, be peaceful, but most importantly be loud.
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