Poursteady Makes Automated Pour-over Coffee Robots Out of Brooklyn

We have talked about coffee bean delivery robots before on Viewing NYC, but this is something different completely.

Poursteady's coffee 'bot makes the traditionally labor intensive pour-over coffee technique, and automates it using science, replacing most of the human component from the process.

Using robotics honed by projects for NASA and the military, Greg Mihalko, Stephen von Muehlen and Stuart Heys debuted their coffee pour-over robot at Maker Faire in 2013. The interest generated at the Faire prompted them to create their Brooklyn-based startup called Poursteady. We talk to the founders of Poursteady about their love of robots and DIY innovation and why they feel the time is right for a robot that can make 460 cups of perfect pour-over coffee in 8 hours.

In this video from BRIC's BK Stories series, the creators behind Poursteady talk about the robot, the process, the machinery and about why Gowanus, Brooklyn is the perfect place for it all to come together.

Matt Coneybeare

Matt Coneybeare

Editor in Chief

Matt enjoys exploring the City's with his partner and son. He is an avid marathon runner, and spends most of his time eating, running, and working on cool stuff.

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