Prospect Park Turns 150 This Year; Learn the Story of Its Creation

Prospect Park plan
Prospect Park plan

2017 is Prospect Park's sesquicentennial celebration as it turns 150 years old. As such, the Prospect Park Alliance is publishing a ton of historical articles, maps and media this year, including a recent synopsis of the events and planning leading to its creation.

Olmsted and Vaux designed an elaborate infrastructure for Prospect Park, and construction began on July 1, 1866, under their supervision. The principal features of the design included the Long Meadow, a heavily wooded area they called the Ravine and a 60-acre Lake. Olmsted and Vaux’s plan included rolling green meadows, meandering carriage drives with high elevation scenic lookouts, woodland waterfalls and springs, and a rich forest complete with maples, magnolia and cherry trees, among others. Original Park structures included rustic shelters and arbors, and sandstone bridges and arches.

Check out the full writeup to learn all about the park's creation.

Matt Coneybeare

Matt Coneybeare

Editor in Chief

Matt enjoys exploring the City's with his partner and son. He is an avid marathon runner, and spends most of his time eating, running, and working on cool stuff.

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