Scouting NY Found the City's Prettiest Subway Station and It's Not Where You Would Expect

Grand Central, The Abandoned City Hall, Fulton St. If you were to ask New Yorkers where the most beautiful subway station is, those would be the top answers. But tucked away up in bronx is a station most non-Bronxites know nothing about: East 180th Street.

[...] the American flag is about the only indication that you haven’t been magically transported to a train station in Italy. This is the East 180th Street 2/5 station, and for my money, it’s hands down the prettiest subway station entrance in New York. Built in 1912, this was originally the administration building for the New York, Westchester and Boston Railway, which offered service between White Plains, Port Chester, and East 132nd Street.

Check out the full writeup on Scouting NY for more info on each photo, and history on the station itself. The author, Nick Carr, always finds the coolest hidden stuff in New York City for his blog but be warned… only check it out if you have a few hours to get lost in it.

Matt Coneybeare

Matt Coneybeare

Editor in Chief

Matt enjoys exploring the City's with his partner and son. He is an avid marathon runner, and spends most of his time eating, running, and working on cool stuff.

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