Skyscrapers are surely a sight to be seen and definitely are one of the most enticing aspects of New York City. While the skyline surrounding Manhattan is already astounding, New York Yimby says there is room for more.
According to their report, construction on nine new buildings will begin this year including six supertalls over 984 feet.
Manhattan long held the title of the world’s most impressive skyline, with the boom of the 1920s cementing the island’s status as the skyscraper capital of the globe. The Chrysler Building (at 1,046 feet) and the Empire State Building (at 1,250 feet) marked the city’s first official supertalls, and the ESB held the title of the world’s tallest building until the Twin Towers of the original World Trade Center were completed in the early 1970s.
These iconic landmarks will be surpassed by three of the nine new buildings; 30 Hudson Yards standing at 1,296 feet, 111 West 57th Street climbing to 1,438 feet and 217 West 57th Street soaring at 1,550 feet making them the tallest buildings in Manhattan.
Here is a look at the nine new buildings to rise in the year to come.
- 217 West 57th Street - 1,550 feet
- 220 Central Park South - 950 feet
- 111 West 57th Street - 1,438 feet
- 53 West 53rd Street - 1,050 feet
- 30 Hudson Yards - 1,296
- 15 Hudson Yards - 915 feet
- 35 Hudson Yards - 1,005 feet
- 1 Manhattan West - 995 feet
- 175 Greenwich Street - 1,070 feet
via New York YIMBY
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