SlateNYC is a new cleaning service which operates differently than many of the other cleaning services around New York City. Instead of offering a whole-house cleaning once per week, or every other week, Slate NYC offers top-off cleaning services with deep cleaning detail spread throughout every day of the week.
For example, if you get the M-F plan, the cost is $20 per day, and each day the cleaning agent will do the small stuff like make your bed, trash, dishes and general tidying, then will deep clean one section/room of the apartment.
We come to your home for about an hour every weekday to keep it in a permanent state of cleanliness. We make beds, take out trash, do dishes, clean every room, pick up your laundry, clean it, and return it to your closet. You'll think you woke up in a fancy hotel room, without the crazy bill.
Check out SlateNYC's website for more info on plans, services provided and rates.
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