Building 128 in the Brooklyn Navy Yard was once the center of military innovation, building ship parts since the World War I. This month, the building reopens as New Lab, a hub of modern science filled with software engineers, designers and entrepreneurs delving into robotics, artificial intelligence, and nanotechnology.
[The result is] a place where 50 companies could rent designated office space under the 70-foot ceilings, snack on grain bowls with other New Lab-ers in tree-dotted, iron-framed, rainbow-colored communal work lounges, and share a full metal-and-wood shop, a 3-D printing lab, and digital manufacturing tools. The combination makes it a Field of Dreams for any designer without the high-tech resources to actually make prototypes meets a Soho House for the more bookishly inclined—a Brooklyn real-estate dream meets a pastiche of Silicon Valley.
Check out this gallery of photos for a cool look into the restoration of Building 128 from abandoned factory to futuristic lab.
via Vanity Fair
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