The Madmen at Industry Kitchen Have Created a Unicorn Slice Dubbed the “Pop Candy Land Pizza"

Unicorn pizza exists and it's basically a giant sugar cookie covered in fluffy cotton candy ✨🍕🦄 #cosmobites
Unicorn pizza exists and it's basically a giant sugar cookie covered in fluffy cotton candy ✨🍕🦄 #cosmobites
Photo: danielletullo

It's no secret that we New Yorkers love our pizza. While most of us prefer a classic slice, served piping hot from an old-school, coal-fired brick oven, there are other types of slices out there that are tolerable too (read: Chicago-style slices). The folks at Industry Kitchen are really pushing our limits though when it comes to pizza manipulation. First they had the $2000 Caviar, Truffle & Gold Flaked Pizza, and now they have produced a blasphemous "Unicorn Slice" called the “Pop Candy Land Pizza".

Unicorn pizza exists and it's basically a giant sugar cookie covered in fluffy cotton candy ✨🍕🦄 #cosmobites

We New Yorkers have to draw the line somewhere. Please Industry Kitchen, quit futzing with our pizza and make a Unicorn Taco or something.

Unicorn pizza exists and it's basically a giant sugar cookie covered in fluffy cotton candy ✨🍕🦄 #cosmobites
Unicorn pizza exists and it's basically a giant sugar cookie covered in fluffy cotton candy ✨🍕🦄 #cosmobites

via Instagram

Matt Coneybeare

Matt Coneybeare

Editor in Chief

Matt enjoys exploring the City's with his partner and son. He is an avid marathon runner, and spends most of his time eating, running, and working on cool stuff.

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