In a recent New Yorker article titled City of Women, author Rebecca Solnit asks what New York City would look like if street names and subway stations were named to honor women instead of the current male majority.
In the map “City of Women” […] we tried on what it would look like to live in such power, by paying homage to some of the great and significant women of New York City in the places where they lived, worked, competed, went to school, danced, painted, wrote, rebelled, organized, philosophized, taught, and made names for themselves.
The New York City subway map is the one map that nearly everyone in the city consults constantly; it is posted at nearly every station entry and on every platform and subway car. The station names are a network of numbers and mostly men’s names and descriptives, but the map is an informational scaffolding on which other things can be built. So on it we have built a feminist city of sorts, a map to a renamed city.
Check out the full article for more.
via The New Yorker
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