When is the last time you appreciated your crowded subway car? East Village artist Victoria “VH” McKenzie introduces us to a surprising sense of serenity found in the overlooked aspects of our City, such as the pigeons, the cream cheese bagels, or, as shown in her most recent series, our daily commute.
After secretly snapping photos of solitary subway riders, McKenzie recreates their image on small blocks of wood as a stunning oil painting. As the powerful collection grows, McKenzie’s oil series begins to echo the mission of Humans of New York by connecting us to the New Yorkers beside us each day. But in this case, the people remain nameless, the context remains simple. Each print is sold with nothing but hints of color and curiosity, encouraging us to wonder, ‘What’s their story?’
You can really feel so solitary and you can capture somebody, I think, in such a solitary space, and yet there's 10, 20, 30, 40 people around. Yet you can feel very alone on the train.
Read the full interview on DNAinfo to hear more from the artist, and be sure to browse through her full collection City-inspired works, available for purchase on Etsy. And maybe, just maybe, take a moment to look up from your phone today and marvel at the world around you.
via DNAinfo
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