Emu Health recently compiled a great, searchable list of every single publicly accessible park, plaza, and playground in Queens. Put together using data from the New York City Department of Parks & Recreation, the new website lists all 372 parks, and can be filtered by neighborhood, facilities, and size. Each park has an address and a link to Google Maps. To get a holistic view of each park and how it is seen by the public each location has links to Instagram, FourSquare, Yelp, and Trip Advisor.
We are proud to provide you with a full list of parks in Queens NY, so you can get outside, enjoy the air and work out, keeping both you and your family healthy & well. Our mission was to provide you with one place to get all the important information, without needing to do extra searching on your own.
Check out Parks in Queens to play around with the data.
via Viewing NYC Tips
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