Tremaine Brown, From New York City Subway Rapper to Netflix Star

The newest Netflix series, The Get Down depicts the rise of hip-hop in 1977 New York City.

This interview from the New York Post details the story of one of The Get Down's stars, Tremaine Brown from rapping on the A train in October 2015 to playing Boo-Boo Kipling, a budding musical genius.

Brown grew up in the South Bronx with big dreams of becoming a rapper like his idols Kanye West, Jay Z, Kendrick Lamar and Drake. He regularly rapped for money on the subway, but acting wasn’t even on his radar. That all changed the day he got “The Get Down.”

Read the full article for more information, and be sure to check out The Get Down which premieres on Netflix this Friday, August 12th.

via NYP

Joshua Mu

Joshua Mu

Contributing Writer

When he is not attempting to hustle the hustlers of Central Park, Joshua enjoys exploring the depths of what New York has to offer. He one day hopes to pilot a drone without immediately crashing it.

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